The Main Character

Grades 7 - Adult

Main characters must have an emotional problem they are dealing with. That’s what makes them interesting.

I as the Main Character

As the main character, you can be anyone you want to be. However, you need to create a main character who is especially bothered by the troublemaker.     






Main Character

Verb Phrase





had a problem with

a talking dog



Don’t Be a Superhero

Don’t pretend you’re a superhero. It is hard to create a story about them because the troublemaker must be more powerful than the hero for the hero to have a problem. Leave superheroes to the movies.

What to Say About Yourself

Let’s pretend the troublemaker is a talking dog. What do we know about the troublemaker?

It talks.
It’s a dog.

It Talks

What kind of problem might you as the main character have with talking before you meet the talking dog? Remember, this is pretend. It doesn’t have to be something that really bothers you.

  • Maybe you can pretend you’re shy.
  • Maybe you can pretend you stutter. 
  • Maybe you can pretend you never know what to talk about.
  • Maybe you can pretend you’re afraid of speaking in front of a group.

Or maybe you and your friends can think of some other fear having to do with talking. You can pretend it bothers you.   

It’s a Dog

If you choose to write about a dog, then it has to be something that will make the audience feel sad.  Maybe you could pretend to have a dog—

  • That ran away
  • Or that your family had to sell for some reason
  • Or that died.

Task 2.5.1 – Individual or Small Group

Name two parts about the troublemaker in the following What Statements:

  1. I had a problem with a gun-toting spider.
  2. I had a problem with an elf in my refrigerator.
  3. I had a problem with a moose that thought it was a dog.

Task 2.5.2 – Individual or Small Group

Choose a story idea you wish to work with.  If you are new to writing, then use the talking dog story.

  • Decide what EMOTIONAL problem is bothering the main character.
  • It must be something that is bothering him or her BEFORE they meet the troublemaker.
  • You can only choose ONE thing.
  • The emotional problem must somehow be connected to

Start the LH Section

Say a SIMPLE sentence about the main character.

  • It must include emotion.
  • It must be about the emotional problem you brainstormed, not about the troublemaker.
  • It must be only ONE problem.

For example:

I loved Jackson, my golden retriever.
I’m not a dog lover, I’m a dog fanatic.
I delighted in how my cat, Leonora, was always getting into mischief.
I had always wanted to learn Athabascan, my Native language.

Task 2.5.3 – Individual or Small Group

Enter the simple first sentence into the LH side of your hyperthesis chart.








Main Character

Verb Phrase






had a problem with

a talking dog



1st sentence


I loved Jackson, my golden retriever.