Compare Your Animals

Grades 1-3

Next, you need to compare the facts. 

  • How are the two types of animals alike?
  • How do the two types of animals differ?

Task 6.4.1 – Class

Review the chart below. 

Notice the column on the right:   

  • Alike is for information that shows that the animals are almost the same.
  • Differ is for information that shows that the animals are not alike.
  • Name for the animals’ common and scientific names (#1 and #2)


Animal A Animal B Differ?
1 Common name Crocodile Alligator
2 Scientific name Crocodylus acutus (American crocodile) Alligator mississippiensis (American alligator)
3 Size Saltwater crocs - up to 20 ft long, 2000 lbs Usually, 10-13 ft long, 1000 lbs Differ
4 Special features Have salt glands - can survive in saltwater
Have webbed feet for better swimming
Strongest bite of any animal
Cannot survive in saltwater Differ
5 Behavior Highly aggressive nature
106 people were killed in Australia from 1971 - 2013
During World War II, crocodiles in Malaya killed hundreds of Japanese soldiers in three weeks
Usually shy. Avoid humans.
Rarely attack humans unless triggered or if people enter their territory.
Recent cases out of women in Georgia who said alligators do not kill humans.
6 Diet Insects, frogs, fish, birds, rodents, fresh deer, pigs, cows, crocodiles, alligators, pets, kangaroos, emu, horses, humans, and many other things Insects, frogs, fish, birds, snakes, lizards, deer, raccoons, pets, amphibians, turtles, and other things Alike
7 Range Southeast Asia, China, India, Australia, Africa, South America, North America (including coastal areas such as Florida and Louisiana) American southeast, such as Florida and Louisiana Differ
8 Habitat Live in both freshwater and saltwater, often found in coastal areas like rivers, mangroves, and swamps.
They can be found in Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Americas. They are better at living in salty water thanks to special glands that filter large parts of extra salt.
Live mostly in freshwater like swamps, rivers, and lakes. They live in warm areas, especially in the southeastern US as they are part of Florida. Alligators need the fresh water as places to feed and also cozy water for rest. Differ
9 Offspring Female digs a hole or makes a mound. Lay 40-60 eggs. Raccons eat many of the eggs.
Only 1% (few tens) of hatchlings survive to reach adulthood.
Female builds a nest and lays between 20-50 eggs. Raccoons and birds eat the eggs. Only 2-3 hatchlings out of an average clutch of 45 eggs will survive to maturity. Alike
10 Other Lifespan: up to 70 years 50 years on average Alike

Task 6.4.2 – Tandem or Small Groups

Return to Lesson 6.3.  Fill in the right-hand column of your chart.

  • Put Alike for information that shows that the animals are almost the same.
  • Put Differ for information that shows that the animals are not alike.
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