Choose the Subject

Grades 1-3

Task 6.2.1 – Small Groups

As a class, use your minds and/or your computers to brainstorm one more set of animals that look a lot alike. Type in “Animals that look alike.” Add them to the alphabetical list below. 

1. Aardvarks vs. anteaters

  1. Alpine ibex vs. Siberian ibex
  2. Alligators vs crocodiles
  3. Amoeba vs. euglena
  1. Ants vs. termites
  2. Beluga vs. narwhals
  1. Bison vs. buffalo
  2. Boas vs. pythons
  3. Chameleons vs. iguanas
  4. Chimpanzees vs. bonobos
  5. Crows vs. ravens
  6. Ducks vs. chickens
  7. Elephants vs. Rhinos
  8. Emu vs. ostriches
  1. Foxes vs. coyotes
  2. Frogs vs. toads
  3. Geckos vs. chameleons
  4. Goldfish vs. betta fish
  5. Honey badgers vs. martens
  6. Hyenas vs. civets
  7. Jaguars vs. leopards
  8. King snakes vs. coral snakes
  9. Lions vs. Tigers
  10. Llamas vs. alpacas
  1. Mongooses vs. meerkats
  2. Moths vs. butterflies
  3. Mules vs. donkeys
  4. Porcupines vs. hedgehogs
  1. Porpoises vs. dolphins
  2. Possums vs. opossums
  3. Puffins vs. penguins
  4. Rabbits vs. hares
  5. Reindeer vs. caribou
  6. Seals vs. sea lions
  7. Squirrels vs. chipmunks
  1. Turtles vs. tortoises
  2. Wasps vs. hornets

Task 6.2.2 – Individual

Your teacher will divide your class so that each student has at least one set of animals to look up.

  • Name the animals you were assigned onto a piece of paper.
  • Copy and paste the animals on the paper. Make them large but small enough to fit on one page.

Task 6.2.3 – Small Groups

Grade the sets of animals. Use the pictures you created.

Use the following grades:

A = most educated adults probably do not know much about either animal.

B = most educated adults probably know a lot about one of the animals.

C = most educated adults probably know a lot about both animals.

Task 6.2.4 – Individual

Vote (by ballot) for ONE set of animals from the “A” OR “B” grades.

Choose the top five with the most votes. In case of a tie, flip a coin.

Your teacher will type the five sets. Cut them apart and paste them into Column A. Do not enter anything into Columns B to E until your teacher says to do so.

Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E
Sets of animals Which does your class like best? Which do you think an educated adult will most likely read about? Which has the best amount of information? Total

Task 6.2.5 – Individual

Enter 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) depending on the number of votes received by each of the five top sets of animals. Enter it into Column B

Task 6.2.6 – Individual

Conduct an interview with an educated adult to find out which pair of animals from your top five they would most like to read about. Rules:

  1. You cannot ask your teacher.
  2. Two or more students cannot ask the same adult.

Task 6.2.7 – Class

Count the votes from the adults. Give a 5 to the animals with the most adult votes, a 4 to the second-most, a 3 to the next, a 2 to the next, and a 1 to the fewest votes.

Enter the 1 through 5 in Column C.

Task 6.2.8 – Class

With your teacher’s help, decide if there is not enough information or too much information for a short essay. Rank Column D from 5 (best) to 1 (worst).

Task 6.2.9 – Class

Check to be sure that no numbers are duplicated in any column.

Total the columns from left to right. 

Flip a coin if there is a tie.


And the winner is … bison vs. buffalo!

Research Your Animals 6.3
Arctic Educational Miracle