Choose the Subject
Grades 1-3

Task 6.2.1 – Small Groups
As a class, use your minds and/or your computers to brainstorm one more set of animals that look a lot alike. Type in “Animals that look alike.” Add them to the alphabetical list below.
1. Aardvarks vs. anteaters

- Alpine ibex vs. Siberian ibex
- Alligators vs crocodiles
- Amoeba vs. euglena

- Ants vs. termites
- Beluga vs. narwhals

- Bison vs. buffalo
- Boas vs. pythons
- Chameleons vs. iguanas
- Chimpanzees vs. bonobos
- Crows vs. ravens
- Ducks vs. chickens
- Elephants vs. Rhinos
- Emu vs. ostriches

- Foxes vs. coyotes
- Frogs vs. toads
- Geckos vs. chameleons
- Goldfish vs. betta fish
- Honey badgers vs. martens
- Hyenas vs. civets
- Jaguars vs. leopards
- King snakes vs. coral snakes
- Lions vs. Tigers
- Llamas vs. alpacas

- Mongooses vs. meerkats
- Moths vs. butterflies
- Mules vs. donkeys
- Porcupines vs. hedgehogs

- Porpoises vs. dolphins
- Possums vs. opossums
- Puffins vs. penguins
- Rabbits vs. hares
- Reindeer vs. caribou
- Seals vs. sea lions
- Squirrels vs. chipmunks

- Turtles vs. tortoises
- Wasps vs. hornets
Task 6.2.2 – Individual
Your teacher will divide your class so that each student has at least one set of animals to look up.
- Name the animals you were assigned onto a piece of paper.
- Copy and paste the animals on the paper. Make them large but small enough to fit on one page.
Task 6.2.3 – Small Groups
Grade the sets of animals. Use the pictures you created.
Use the following grades:
A = most educated adults probably do not know much about either animal.
B = most educated adults probably know a lot about one of the animals.
C = most educated adults probably know a lot about both animals.
Task 6.2.4 – Individual

Vote (by ballot) for ONE set of animals from the “A” OR “B” grades.
Choose the top five with the most votes. In case of a tie, flip a coin.
Your teacher will type the five sets. Cut them apart and paste them into Column A. Do not enter anything into Columns B to E until your teacher says to do so.
Column A | Column B | Column C | Column D | Column E |
Sets of animals | Which does your class like best? | Which do you think an educated adult will most likely read about? | Which has the best amount of information? | Total |
Task 6.2.5 – Individual
Enter 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) depending on the number of votes received by each of the five top sets of animals. Enter it into Column B
Task 6.2.6 – Individual
Conduct an interview with an educated adult to find out which pair of animals from your top five they would most like to read about. Rules:
- You cannot ask your teacher.
- Two or more students cannot ask the same adult.
Task 6.2.7 – Class
Count the votes from the adults. Give a 5 to the animals with the most adult votes, a 4 to the second-most, a 3 to the next, a 2 to the next, and a 1 to the fewest votes.
Enter the 1 through 5 in Column C.
Task 6.2.8 – Class
With your teacher’s help, decide if there is not enough information or too much information for a short essay. Rank Column D from 5 (best) to 1 (worst).
Task 6.2.9 – Class
Check to be sure that no numbers are duplicated in any column.
Total the columns from left to right.
Flip a coin if there is a tie.

And the winner is … bison vs. buffalo!