
Grades 1-3

Heroes  must deal with an emotional problem. That’s what makes them interesting.

You need to create a main character who is especially bothered by the troublemaker. 

LH VP RH because Why
Hero Verb Phrase Troublemaker because Problem
I had a problem with a talking dog

The Troublemaker 

Let’s pretend the troublemaker is a talking dog. 

What do we know about the troublemaker?

It talks. 

It’s a dog.

You + Dogs

What kind of problem could you have had with a dog before you met the talking dog? 

Remember, this is pretend. It doesn’t have to be real. 

Maybe one of these happened:

  • Your dog ran away
  • Your family had to sell it.
  • It died.

You + Talking

  • Or maybe you can pretend you’re afraid of speaking in front of a group.

Or maybe you and your group can think of some other fear having to do with talking. You can pretend it bothers you.  

Task 6.7.1 – Individual or Small Group

Name two parts about the troublemaker in the following What Statements:

  1. I had a problem with a shoplifting ostrich. 
  2. I had a problem with starving elf.
  3. I had a problem with a moose that thought it was a dog.

Task 6.7.2 – Individual or Small Group

Choose a story idea you wish to work with.  If you are new to writing, then use the talking dog story.

  • Decide what EMOTIONAL problem is bothering the main character.
  • It must be something that is bothering him or her BEFORE they meet the troublemaker.

Start the left-hand Section

Say a SIMPLE sentence about the main character.

  • It must include emotion.
  • It must be about the emotional problem the hero has.

For example:

I loved Jackson, my golden retriever.
I’m not a dog lover, I’m a dog fanatic.
I delighted in how my cat, Leonora, was always getting into mischief.
I had always wanted to learn Athabascan, my Native language.

Task 6.7.3 – Individual or Small Group

Enter the simple first sentence into the LH side of your Story Summary.

LH VP RH because Why
Hero Verb Phrase Troublemaker because Problem
I had a problem with a talking dog
1st sentence: I loved Jackson, my golden retriever